Quote of the week. . .

To the father of my children...

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.

~Clarence Budington Kelland~

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Honoring Dad

Hi, All,
We just got done celebrating Father's Day and Dad's birthday this week. What a great time to focus on the patriarch of our family. I doubt that he knows how much he influences our daily lives, even you girls, who are married now and living away from home. I'll bet there aren't too many days that the choices before you, the things that you spend time on, or the way that you treat others doesn't bring Dad to your mind. "What would Dad do in this situation?", or "I wish Dad could be here now and go hiking with us," or "How did Dad always do this?"

It is great to have such a wonderful example before you of how to live a humble, just plain old good life. I know that his example has tempered the way that I treat others and how I do things, such as not yelling so much:), driving more carefully, not speaking meanly about others.

So, I thought it would be a nice way to end this week of celebrating Dad's and your Dad in particular, by doing one more thing that Jeanette started. That is to think of the one word that best describes your Dad and my eternal companion. It would be a gift that lasts a long time. Just respond on this blog and I will share them with him.

The word that I think best describes him is "dedicated." He is dedicated to me and to Scott, making sure that all of our needs are met and that we are happy. He is dedicated to fulfilling his callings and doing the best job that he can. He is dedicated to our Father in Heaven, by kneeling each morning and night to say his prayers. He is dedicated to treating everyone fairly and kindly.

Now it's your turn!

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Humble--- The example Dad provides for Devin and I is how humble he is. To look at Dad's life, his goals and his attiude it is amazing to see his humility. His example of being humble reminds me that it is so important to enjoy everything that life dishes out no matter the circumstances. Thank you Dad for your example!