Quote of the week. . .

To the father of my children...

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.

~Clarence Budington Kelland~

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Since the HOPE Institute (where I have worked for 10 years) dissolved, I, who have killed every Mother's Day plant I've ever been given, was left with the job of keeping the plants alive, or tossing them out. I was left with 6 plants in various stages of heartiness; a couple actually looked like they had had some tlc (tender loving care); the other 4 looked like they were in the last stages of a terminal, wilting disease. I decided that, since this was a new beginning at work for me, that I would give these plants a new beginning, also. And so I started to give them water on a regular basis, something that they had never had before. It took a few weeks, but then I started to see a difference in them...they were growing and making new leaves; they were greener, stronger, and much happier little plants! I am committed to them now, and I take good care of them, plucking off dead & yellowed leaves, turning them so they can get the best light, and making sure that they look good. I found out that I can be a good gardener!

At church today, in Fast & Testimony meeting, I saw the same thing happen. I watched as one glowing person after another, went up to the pulpit to bear their testimony. A few months ago, each of these had been wilting, with dead leaves all over them, with no gardener taking care of them. But, then a wonderful thing happened; someone began to shower them with tlc regularly, and kept turning them towards the Son; plucking off a dead leaf here and a yellowed leaf there; checking their soil for dryness, and giving them just enough water; some even getting extra plant food to help them grow. And it worked, just like my plants. They are growing ever stronger; they have good nourished soil, and their countenance shines with peace and joy. One came from a background of drug abuse and wild living; one had been excommunicated and was divorced from his wife and 4 children who lived in our ward; others had been inactive for so long that they had forgotten that they really did have testimonies of the true Church, deep down inside. And I learned again, that when the Master Gardener tends the tender plants in His Garden, that miracles happen and lives are changed.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that every plant is worth saving. Like you said, it takes a little bit of tlc and gbd. Throw in some ibv and plf and your plant is as good as new.