Quote of the week. . .

To the father of my children...

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.

~Clarence Budington Kelland~

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Lives and So Shall We

On this Easter Sunday, my thoughts are especially turned to our Savior, Jesus Christ. He died and He lives again....for us. What a unspeakable thing that is to know, that when we die, we are not dead in spirit, but live, because of what He did for us. Those whom we love that have gone before, are not dead. They live on. They wait for us. Who can fear death when you believe that is true? My father, Lenau, and mother-in-law, Edith, and other grandparents and relatives will be there, along with dear friends. What a great comfort that is. Death, where is thy sting? It is ours to live in such a way that we can join them where they are.

To all who struggle with death and dying, know that this life is but a small knot on the long string of eternal life. And we are in it together. And we will be in it together once again on the other side. Hold on tight...our journey's just begun!


Sisson Family said...

Mom that was beautiful. thank you for reminding us the true celbration of Easer.

Smiths said...

Sometimes it is hard to remember why we really celebrate Easter with all of the worldy things, thanks for the testimony and reminder!!